Why honey is a great addition to your fitness routine December 2, 2024When it comes to fuelling your workouts and aiding recovery, honey is an often-overlooked natural ingredient that packs a punch
How to create a bee friendly garden May 8, 2023One of the simplest ways to attract bees to your garden or veggie patch is to plant flowers that bees love. These plants are rich in pollen and nectar and benefit...
What is Propolis? April 11, 2023What is propolis I hear you say? Put simply, propolis is the material that bees make and use as a sort of glue or ‘no more gaps’.
What is the nutritional value of honey? April 3, 2023Pure, raw honey is a flavoursome food with very high nutritional value. Honey contains mostly sugar, as well as a mix of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc and antioxidants....
What is Bee Pollen? I'm so glad you asked! March 20, 2023What is bee pollen? Thanks for asking! Bee pollen is commonly a mixture of flower pollen, nectar and the digestive enzymes from the bees that collect it.
What is raw honey? How is it different to regular (pasteurised) honey? March 7, 2023We love it when our community asks us questions about beekeeping, our bees and our honey. One question we get asked regularly is “is your honey raw?” or “what is...